<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Planetwords - Corsi di formazione - Corsi di Lingue - Corsi di Italiano L2- Bergamo - Italy

Bienvenue a notre ecole de langue et culture italienne en Italie


Bergame est une ville aux multiples facettes. Célébrée pour sa Città Alta (ville haute), l’un des hauts-lieux de la Lombardie, entourée par les Alpes orobiques, qui donnent sur les paisibles panoramas du lac d’Iseo, et par un terroir charmeur, elle est le carrefour d’itinéraires riches en histoire et culture ...more

You can study Italian while living in an enchanting place, and in the meantime you can easily reach some of the best places in the Northern and Centre Italy, like Verona, Genoa, Florence and Rome… for a visit, for a shopping day, for a concert, for visiting some friends…

Planetwords is a school where you can learn Italian in a very professionaleù and friendly atmosphere. We organize intensive Italian language classes in Italy.
Our Italian language courses in Bergamo can offer you a variety of programs depending on your exhigencies.
Our Italian group courses and Italian private classes are open to everybody.